I am a dedicated father and husband working tirelessly to provide a better life for my family. Like many families throughout Southwest Washington, we face our fair share of challenges. These struggles are nothing new.
I can no longer stand idly by while our elected leaders prioritize the interests of their donors and party affiliations over the needs of the American people. It is disheartening to witness our representatives allocating billions of dollars towards conflicts abroad, burdening us with an insurmountable amount of debt, while enriching themselves and their campaign coffers. Their prioritization of personal gain over the welfare of our citizens is unacceptable. It is crucial that we hold our elected officials accountable and demand a government that truly serves the American people, not the interests of their donors. Let us work together to restore integrity, transparency, and a genuine commitment to the well-being of our nation.
In this campaign and throughout my time in office, I pledge to only accept individual donations from individual supporters, ensuring my independence from special interests and party politics. My commitment is to always prioritize the people of SW Washington, and to be a strong and honest voice of integrity.